What music to choose for preschool children

Music has enormous power, it forms the child’s rich spiritual world, as well as his personal qualities.It is practically impossible to overestimate the possibilities of music in raising children.It improves thinking and has a positive effect on the child’s emotional sphere: the child becomes more sensitive, gentle, better perceives beauty in art and in life.Musical education makes a child’s soul more harmonious and later helps to cope with many life problems.

Music for babies from 0 to 1 year

Music has a positive effect on the development of a child from birth. It has been proven that children who regularly listen to music grow up to be more sociable, it is much easier for them to communicate with peers and adults. In addition, for the first time in a child’s life, music is an excellent helper for parents – it calms and lifts the baby’s mood, and gentle and touching melodies plunge the child into a sound and healthy sleep.

Love for music should be instilled in even the smallest children.For this, it is enough to turn it on once a day as a background accompaniment.Psychologists advise to choose works of classical music for the first auditions.Instrumental string compositions sound calm, light, clean and moving – that’s exactly what the first music included for children should be.

Parents can purchase collections of instrumental classical music to introduce the child to world musical culture.As a rule, such anthologies do not contain complete works, but small 2-3 minute excerpts.For a small listener, this is quite enough.The most important element of a child’s musical upbringing is his mother’s song.Mother’s voice is the most beautiful sound for a child, which gives him a sense of comfort and peace.A mother’s song is a real manifestation of love and care, which helps to raise a happy and healthy baby.

Music for children aged 2 to 3 years

Time goes by: the baby “gets out” of diapers, knows how to sit and walk. At this age, the child can be introduced to a children’s musical instrument – a drum, xylophone, tambourine, piano, rattle or whistle. Musical children’s toys help the baby develop the perception of sounds.Music for two-year-old children becomes much more diverse: children’s songs from cartoons, light jazz compositions are added to classical works.At this time, the child consciously begins to sing along with adults, to repeat the endings of musical phrases from the song after them.

Regular listening to music teaches a two-year-old to change the pace and nature of movement.At this time, children master the simplest movements: splashing, stomping, jumping and circling to the sounds of music.Moving, dancing music is good for children under three years of age.During this period, the child will be happy to dance with adults and imitate them.The best option for a three-year-old baby would be daily dances and rhythmic games with mom.Such pastime will not only give rise to increased motor activity of the child, but will also give him a feeling of joy and freedom of movement.Many teachers believe that the age for starting music lessons on an adult instrument is 3 years.Because it is at this time that the child shows the greatest interest in music, which later slowly declines.There are many specialized schools and courses that will happily accept and teach a three-year-old “future” musician.But, if the parents themselves sing, play musical instruments and know musical notation, then you can start classes with the baby at home: for example, learn simple children’s songs together with the child, arrange small home concerts.

Music education for 4 and 5 year-old

Children aged 4-5 years show active curiosity and greater independence. At this time, the child becomes very observant and able to determine what kind of music is being played: happy or sad; which instrument sounds – guitar, violin or piano.At this time, many children have favorite songs and musical cartoons.At the age of 4-5, children dance and sing with pleasure.Since children at the age of 4-5 learn to listen meaningfully to music, more time should be devoted to listening to classical melodies.

Even if a child at the age of 4-5 does not seem to have any musical abilities, but the child regularly “purrs” familiar songs under his breath, listens to music, sits and is patient, then parents urgently need to send their child to a music school.

Music for children 6-8 years old

At the age of 6, a child is already able to meaningfully listen to music, distinguishing rhythm, mood, tempo.Children need to be introduced to “major” and “minor”.They need to be allowed to listen to a variety of works according to their emotional state.