How to save the video of your favorite artist from YouTube

YouTube is a popular platform for music lovers to discover and enjoy their favorite artists’ music videos. However, it can be frustrating when you want to watch a music video but don’t have access to the internet. Thankfully, there is a solution – you can save the video to your device and watch it offline. In this article, we’ll discuss how to save the video of your favorite artist from YouTube, step by step.

Step 1: Choose a reliable video downloader

The first step to saving your favorite artist’s video from YouTube is to choose a reliable video downloader. There are many free video downloader tools available online, but it’s important to choose a trustworthy one to avoid malware or viruses. Some popular video downloader tools include 4K Video Downloader, YTD Video Downloader, and Freemake Video Downloader.

Step 2: Copy the video URL

Once you’ve chosen a video downloader tool, the next step is to copy the URL of the video you want to save. To do this, simply go to the YouTube video you want to download and copy the URL from the address bar at the top of your browser.

Step 3: Paste the URL into the video downloader

Next, open your chosen video downloader tool and paste the copied video URL into the designated box or field. Some video downloader tools may also allow you to drag and drop the video URL onto the program.

Step 4: Choose your video format and quality

After pasting the video URL, the video downloader tool will give you options to choose the video format and quality. Most video downloader tools offer various formats and resolutions, including MP4, AVI, and WMV. Choose the format and quality that you prefer, depending on your device and internet speed.

Step 5: Start the download process

Once you’ve chosen the format and quality, click on the download button to start the download process. The length of time it takes to download the video will depend on your internet speed and the size of the video file. Some video downloader tools may also allow you to download multiple videos at once, which can save time if you want to download several videos.

Step 6: Save the video to your device

Once the video has finished downloading, it’s time to save it to your device. Most video downloader tools will automatically save the video to your default downloads folder, but you can also choose a specific location on your device to save it to. Make sure to choose a location that is easy to access, so you can easily find the video later.

Step 7: Watch the video offline

Congratulations, you’ve successfully saved the video of your favorite artist from YouTube! Now, you can watch the video offline anytime you want, without worrying about having access to the internet. Simply locate the video file on your device and play it using a media player app or software.

Tips for saving YouTube videos

Be mindful of copyright laws: It’s important to note that downloading YouTube videos may be a violation of copyright laws. Make sure to only download videos that are legally available for download, such as those that are in the public domain or have a Creative Commons license.

Check the video quality: When choosing the video format and quality, make sure to check the quality of the original video on YouTube. If the original video is low quality, downloading a high-quality version won’t improve the video’s resolution or clarity.

Use a VPN: If you’re downloading videos from YouTube in a country where it’s not legal or blocked, consider using a VPN to protect your identity and avoid any legal repercussions.


Saving the video of your favorite artist from YouTube is a great way to enjoy their music offline, anytime you want. With the right video downloader tool and a few simple steps, you can easily download and save your favorite artist’s music videos. Just be sure to choose a reliable video downloader, copy the video URL, choose the video format and quality, and start the download process. Once the video has finished downloading, save it to your device and watch it offline using a media player app or software.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you always have access to your favorite artist’s music videos, no matter where you are or whether you have an internet connection. Just remember to be mindful of copyright laws and check the video quality before downloading. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy your favorite music videos offline and on-the-go.